See Me at ICNA-MAS 2017

If you’re interested in fiction writing, come see me at the 2017 annual ICNA-MAS convention (Islamic Circle of North America and Muslim American Society) in Baltimore, Maryland on Saturday, April 15th. is sponsoring my trip. Sister Umm Zakiyyah and I will be speaking about writing and hopefully conducting a writer’s workshop between 2 pm and 5 pm that day.

The official topic of my session is as follows:

Fiction inspires. It is a space that is filled with imagination and creativity. It’s a space that allows for writers to live life vicariously through the experiences of their characters. Fiction inculcates values. Muslims have lagged in utilizing fiction to normalize Islam and Muslims in the West. In teaching non-Muslims about Islam and inspiring Muslims to hold on to their Islam, fiction can tell our story with all its successes and hardships, in a way that is effective and potent. This session is directed to answering the question: how can Muslims use fiction to change the negative perception of Islam and Muslims.

In reality, however, I will probably drift from this to talk about the purpose of literature in general, sources of inspiration, and some tips for aspiring writers.

One thought on “See Me at ICNA-MAS 2017

  1. Looking forward to it. Keep up the good work.

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