Wael and his daughter Salma.
Wael Abdelgawad is an Egyptian-American web developer and writer who was born and raised in California, USA. He has lived in several U.S. states as well as Libya, Saudi Arabia, and Panama. He is the founder of IslamicSunrays.com and other specialized websites, including Zawaj.com, IslamicAnswers.com, and several financial blogs.
Wael’s parents were highly respected scientists who taught him the importance of scholarship. All through his childhood he read voraciously. When not reading, he played table tennis and chess, practiced martial arts, and memorized Quran. He majored in English literature at California State University at Fresno, and later studied web design and webmastering with the Software Training Group in San Francisco.
Wael has been writing poetry and short stories all his life. In 2012 the writing bug bit him in earnest, and he began to write novel-length stories for publication on the web. The first of those, Pieces of a Dream, was released for sale on Amazon in spring 2017. The Repeaters came out in fall 2017, and Zaid Karim Private Investigator is scheduled for release in summer 2018.
Another of Wael’s lifelong passions is martial arts. He is an instructor with four black belts, and is the founder of his own system, Sabeel Combatives.
He also enjoys marble fudge ice cream, science fiction novels, windup toys and weight lifting. Wael lives in Fresno, California. His daughter Salma is his joy and pride. Wael’s mission is to better himself every day, and to do his small part to leave the world better than he found it.