Teaching martial arts to kids at the Aqaba Mosque in Fresno, California.
Sabeel Combatives website: http://www.SabeelCombatives.com/
On Youtube: Sabeel Combatives
I first began training in martial arts at the age of fourteen in Riyadh (I was born and raised in California, but attended high school in Saudi Arabia). For several years I studied Shotokan Karate in Riyadh and later in Fresno, California. Later I went on to study many arts including HwaRangDo, Hapkido, Kali, Silat, Jujitsu, Shorin-Ryu Kempo, Jeet Kune Do, Aikido and Pekiti Tirsia Kali.
I am now a martial arts instructor and continuing student. Among the ranks I currently hold:
Sabeel Combatives – 5th degree black belt.
Hapkido – 3rd degree black belt.
Shorin-Ryu Kempo – 3rd degree black belt.
Kokodo Jujutsu – 2nd degree black belt.
Sabeel is my core art. It is my own beautiful fusion of Hapkido and Silat. I continue to train actively in Kali as well. I have had the honor in the last several years to attend seminars with martial arts greats such as Guru Dan Inosanto, Soke Irie Yasuhiro, and Maul Mornie.
To see my current class schedule, visit my martial arts website, SabeelCombatives.com.
Br.Wael I knew it, when you wrote the part about Zaid Karim practicing KaliI had a feeling you were behind it. Also, I have a feeling that most of Hassan’s story was based on your experiences. You have been a dispatcher, martial arts in both stories (Hassan and Zaid Karim) and Layth drove a taxi in New York city.
I’ve also a studied Shotokan karate, but stopped shortly after that, took me many belts before I got to yellow-black. Studied Taekwondo, Wing Chun- Kung Fu.
Ma-sha-Allah, good for you Maryam, we need more Muslim women learning martial arts.
I wish i could attend your classes…if you teach girls too that is….ive always wanted to learn martial arts but then in my country the opportunity to do so is quite slim🙁
Aisha, I do teach girls and women. What country are you in? I’ve seen women’s martial arts classes even in India, Egypt and Iran.